
I was thinking the other day. When something occurs all the time, we take it for granted. This goes for good and bad things. Yet some people are happy no matter what.  That tells me something. Happiness isn’t a condition.You shouldn’t say ‘I’m happy’, because you’re not. Your life sucks just as much as it did yesterday, and rocks just as much as it will tomorrow. Being happy isn’t relative to other people. No matter how sad your neighbor is, you’re happiness isn’t effected by it [Unless you get some sort of sick satisfaction from their misery]. Your happiness isn’t static either. You could be content one minute and upset the next. Being happy is a choice. You choose to be happy, and you decide how happy you are. I have debated with myself for a long time. Is life relative? Is it static? Is it ruined and doomed for hell? I’ve decided that life isn’t relative or static.  It is action based. Cause and Effect. People are simple, but we make them complex in our minds because we want to hide our simplistic ape-complex behind a curtain. We don’t make sense though (lol, I know it sounds contradicting, but read on!), because we have a desire to be understood. If that’s true, why do we  complicate ourselves? People have a lot going for them, but man, we sure are stupid.

Broken Record.

Something inside of me wants out. I don’t know what it is. But whatever it is, it’s tearing me apart from the inside out. I want to scream at the top of my lungs because I have no voice. I want to paint the sky because paper is too small. My mind is shutting down again. My thoughts are getting scrambled. I’m a broken record playing endlessly in a broken record-player.  I’m fuzzy, and the noise I make is intolerable. Only I know the original beautiful song that once was and is no more. Continue reading


Okay, so I got a twitter account. [!/FMtyler9725 ] and twitter seems pretty nifty. I’m going to work on sending an excerpt from new blog posts to my twitter account if something like that is possible. I’m also beginning to collaborate with Michael. We’re thinking we could team-up and begin our work together. I’ll teach him how to program in C/C++ and then teach him PHP and JS. He knows the basics of HTML and CSS which is enough for me. He can also navigate the windows OS better than the average joe, and has experience dealing with linux. Plus he’s a pretty nifty and clever dude. Until he’s experienced enough to code, I’ll leave the beta-testing to him. We’re also doing computer repairs and OS management. So yea. 😀

We’re going to have a web-site for our small business, and a twitter account for it as well. I’m going to start working on the web-page layout tomorrow. We’re hoping we can make it big! haha.

Hate on Valentines.

Hate on Valentines Day. Why? Think about it. We only have one day out of 365 in a year devoted to loving and being loved. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? One day to hate, be brutally honest and insensitive, and then the rest of the year to love and be loved. Why even bother with the one day of hate? Live life like it’s valentines, and the world is your significant other.

Icy Hope.

This cold. I breathe it in, and with it I inhale a sharp stab of pain. This cold courses through my veins and chills my heart. Then it poisons me, and clouds my thought as my conscious slips away so does the humanity I once clung to so desperately. But then I see the sun, and feel it’s warmth. Feel it’s warmth. Feel it return me to the arms of the happiness I once knew so well. I’m coming home.

Small Business.

So I’ve been thinking. I could be a free-lance web-designer. With a simple `menu` of sorts.

25$- I could design a web layout and theme
+10$ — For each `Feature` Added. ( Special Effects , Mobile Browser Themes , etc )

I could make programs:
15$– Base Cost.

20$– Per Object Class I need to create specifically for the project

+10$– make it cross-platform

+10$– Add A GUI (cross-platform GUI’s are +15$)

I could make websites:

5$ — Server set-up.

5$ — Install a software ( maintenance is free, just email me, or call ) such as WordPress or VBulletin, Joomla, etc [you will have to purchas software if it is not free]

10$– per page (home page is free, but you need at least two pages)

+5$– PHP

+5$– Sub-Domain set-up

+5$– Database useage [would need a theme as well, although it is an option]

So in short:

To set-up a Blog: 10 – 40$ ( 5$ server + 5$ SW Install + 25$ custom theme)

To set-up a website with 3 pages: 45-70$(5$ server (+ 25$ custom)? theme + 5$ php + 5$ db useage + 30$)

with every additional page after 3 pages you get 5$ off. So a four page website would cost within 50-75$ and 5page 55-80$ and so on.

*** Maintenance ***

If you need maintenance, or you’ve found a bug in your software report it to me (VIA email or phone) and I will work on fixing it ASAP. Please allow 3 days for response time to your maintenance request email. If the maintenance is a bug-fix, then it is free. If you want a new feature added, it will cost the difference of your new program and your old program (you’re only buying the new features).

Site Update

Okay, so I’ve done a major update to the blog theme. If I say so, it looks really nice compared to some of my previous themes that I’ve made from scratch. As a matter of fact, I’m going to submit this one. I’m thinking steel blue for the name. 🙂
There are still a few things left for me to do to the theme though. I need to add comment support, and a 404 page. There are probably other things I just haven’t thought of, but that’s the majority of it. The theme uses jquery ( which I’m proud to say that I’ve caught on as far as how to use it ) and CSS3 and HTML5 :D. However, a large portion of the world doesn’t support HTML5 and CSS3 so I need to accomodate and make an alternate .css file for mobile browsers and non-recent web browsers. ALSO, the majority of the CSS3 features work in IE as well. The only thing different that I know for sure of will not display correctly in IE v9 would be the gradients having only 2 colors. Some gradients have much more, but IE only supports two. I know, it’s a sad day, but it’ll be alright.
In other news the Database library I’m writing is going smoothly (for Geared Sun – My next RH project ) and I’m feeling more story writing comeing on. I’ve also recently designed a nice aesthetically pleasing bed, and I think I’m actually going to make it. 🙂
My dating `life` is still a mess :\ but that’s okay. I’m trying to not focus on that at all , and that’s working alright. 🙂 I’ve got friends for me and that’s all I need to live happily.