Dancing Embers.

A fire ignites.
Breathing it’s air, it’s life.
Fueling a kindle,
For dancing embers.

Two duelists exchange greetings.
Then they duel…
Pushing, and pulling,
Like dancing embers.

Two friends meet
Unite against the world
And then love it
Like dancing embers.

Two countries fight
Each for their term of right
And blood is spilt
Like dancing embers

Two lovers gaze at one another
Move in with intent
Unaware of their power
Like dancing embers.


Okay you all, I haven’t posted anything in forever and a day, I know. Rest assured however, that I am in fact alive, breathing and well. Very well in fact. 🙂
I’ve brought my two 77’s up to 78’s, so I’m 4%’s away from 2 B’s :>
I also have one  full week of school left, which is to be celebrated in my opinion.
So here are some equations I’ve been working on:
Finding the side-length of any regular 2D shape:
y = sqrt( X^2 – 2X^2cos(360/N) )=the square root of (  X squared, minus ( 2 times X squared times cosine of 360 divided by N ) )
Where X is the apoccum ( distance from center of shape, to an outer angle )
I also found out how to find a square root without a calculator! :3
On un-mathematically-related notes: Dezi is now mine and I am hers and we’re happily enjoying this fact. We were already fairly close, so not much has changed, and it’s really not that awkward. Which is good. I’m crossing my fingers hoping this doesn’t go terribly terribly wrong. Not to say I expect it to, but just in case, because the last thing I need is a repeat of last summer. :\

Now as far as programming / rom hacking is concerned…
I have started work ( again ) on FullMetalGearedSun — my scripting program. Honestly and truly, it’s going to be pretty dang nifty. Here’s an example code that I would expect to happen:
( Func / Sub )[‘main’] //A comma-delimited name indicates to use dynamics
lock(); // Useing semi-colon’s allows for multiple commands per line
facePlayer(); // Useing parenthesis means you can prototype certain commands
loadMsg(str[‘myMessage’]); //there are a few different namespaces for variables
showMsg(MSG_NORMAL); // huge database with lots of constants is available. 🙂
end ( Func / Sub ) //The difference between Func[tion] and Sub[script] is functions will default to ‘return’ in traditional scripting, and subs will default to ‘end’. There is no need to include these calls inside the body of the script itself.

Hate on Valentines.

Hate on Valentines Day. Why? Think about it. We only have one day out of 365 in a year devoted to loving and being loved. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? One day to hate, be brutally honest and insensitive, and then the rest of the year to love and be loved. Why even bother with the one day of hate? Live life like it’s valentines, and the world is your significant other.